Anatomical Gifts
Forensics Field for Research and Education
A partnership between Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) and Florida’s Forensic Institute for Research, Security, and Tactics (F1RST) has created an opportunity for FGCU anatomical gift donations by individuals and families to be used for research and teaching within the F1RST outdoor facility in Pasco County, Florida. At the specific direction of the donors, these donations to FGCU may be directed for use at the F1RST facility. These specific donations will further the educational and research goals of the partnership as they relate to the forensic investigation of death. Donations will be accessioned into the skeletal collection maintained by the FGCU Human Identity and Trauma Analysis Program under the direction of Heather Walsh-Haney, PhD, D-ABFA, pursuant to § 765.510, et seq., Fla. Stat.

Austin Polonitza, MS
Contact Number: (813) 733-1520